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Marlin Firmware for Kingroon-KP3 with Touch Screen Support


Building the Firmware from Vanilla Marlin


Step Description
1 Download the Marlin files from
2 Unzip the Marlin files into a woking folder. Keep track of this folder’s location.
3 Download the Marlin example configuration files from
4 Unzip the example configuration files to a working folder. Keep track of this folder’s location.
5 Download the files from this repository from
6 Copy the file \Configurations\config\examples\Kingroon\KP3\Configuration.h to the folder Marlin-2.0.9\Marlin.
7 Copy the file \Configurations\config\examples\Kingroon\KP3\Configuration_adv.h to them folder Marlin-2.0.9\Marlin.
8 Unzip the repository files into a working folder. Keep track of this folder’s location.
9 Make the changes described in the table below for each of he files.
10 Compile the firmware using Visual Studio Code. There are numerous videos available on how to compile the code using Visual Studio Code with the Platform IO and Marlin Autobuild extensions. This process is extremely easy. Here is one that I like:
11 Flash the firmware using the binary file produced as a result of step 10.

File Changes

File Line Number Reference Comment
Platform.ini 16 default_envs = mega2560 Change mega2560 to mks_robin_mini
Configuration.h 1292 #define INVERT_X_DIR Change the value from false to true. If the X stepper motor moves in the opposite direction leave this value the same.
Configuration.h 1293 #define INVERT_Y_DIR Change the value from false to true. If the Y stepper motor moves in the opposite direction leave this value the same.
Configuration.h 1294 #define INVERT_Z_DIR Change the value from true to false. If the Z stepper motor moves in the opposite direction leave this value the same.
Configuration.h 1302 #define INVERT_E0_DIR Change the value from false to true. If the E stepper motor moves in the opposite direction leave this value the same.
Configuration.h 2184 #define SPEAKER Uncomment this line
Configuration.h 2184 #define Z_AFTER_HOMING Change the value from 10 to 5.
Configuration.h 2584 #define MKS_ROBIN_TFT24 Uncomment this line
Configuration.h 2648 #define TFT_GENERIC Comment this line
Configuration.h 2673 #define TFT_CLASSIC_UI Comment this line
Configuration.h 2674 #define TFT_COLOR_UI Uncomment this line
Configuration.h 2728 #define SINGLE_TOUCH_NAVIGATION Uncomment this line
pins_MKS_ROBIN_MINI.h 154 #define LCD_USE_DMA_FSM Change the text LCD to TFT so the line now reads #define TFT_USE_DMA_FSM
pins_MKS_ROBIN_MINI.h 158 #define LCD_RESET_PIN Change the text LCD to TFT so the line now reads #define TFT_RESET_PIN. Optionally this can be changed in the comment found on line 147.
pins_MKS_ROBIN_MINI.h 159 #define LCD_BACKLIGHT_PIN Change the text LCD to TFT so the line now reads #define TFT_BACKLIGHT_PIN
Configuration_adv.h 490 #define FAN_KICKSTART_TIME Uncomment this line

NOTE: Changing Stepper Direction

It appears that on some KP3 machines, the stepper motor wiring has been reversed. After flashing the firmware, do not attempt homing until you check the stepper motor direction. This can be done by choosing Motion from the menu and trying to move each axis independently. When moving the axis, only make small changes. If any of the steppers move in the opposite direction, change the value of INVERT_?_DIR from the current value to the opposite value (change to true if currently false). For example, if the X stepper is running in the opposite direction, change the value of INVERT_X_DIR from true to false. After making the changes, repeat steps 10 and 11.